Online Rental Application

Statement of rental policies

It is the policy of The Cliffs on Whitby to treat all current and prospective residents in a professional manner, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Please review this information before completing an application and paying the non-refundable fee(s).

— All applications must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. All persons over the age of eighteen will be a lease holder.

— Applicants must have verifiable current 12-month rental or mortgage history. Unpaid monies to a previous landlord or previous eviction will result in automatic denial of the rental application. Applicant may not have more than (2) NSF checks in a 12 month residency.

— The credit history will be reviewed for the past 36-months through the appropriate credit checking agencies. No more than 25% of the total accounts reported can be over 30 days delinquent., charged to collection, or charged off in the past (2) years. Student loans or medical bills will be excluded. Bankruptcy will be allowed if applicant meets all other qualifications and has re-established at least two positive credit references in the past 12 months. Active Federal Tax Liens will result in an automatic denial of application.

— Applicant must have verifiable current employment with a gross monthly income of at least (3) times the rental rate. The most current pay stub will be required. The employer may be asked to sign an employment verification. Self employed or retired applicants must provide a personal tax return from the previous year or the three most recent personal bank statements.

— Roommates must have a gross monthly income of (3) times the rental rate. Full time students may have a co-signer in lieu of the income requirement. Student loans are not considered income. All roommates must fill out an application, pay an application fee, must be listed on the lease and have full liability to fulfill all term and conditions of the lease.

— Application fees and deposits must be paid in full before the approval process is started. The application fee, administrative fee, and application deposit must be paid in three separate forms of payment. If the application contains falsified information, the application deposit is forfeited and it is non-refundable.

— A co-signer will be accepted for full-time students only, (enrolled minimum of 12 hours). Co-signers must fill out a rental application, pay an application fee, meet all areas of the criteria and sign the actual lease contract. Co-signers income must be qualified by being (3) times greater than their rent/mortgage and (3) times greater than the applicant’s rental rate. Only if no rental history is established, applicant(s) must have one of the following: (A) Good verifiable credit with no accounts reported being delinquent, charged to collection or charged off in the past (2) years, plus pay last month of lease rent in advance, or (B) Co-signer who meets rental requirements and qualifications as previously stated herein.

–Applicant agrees that a criminal history investigation will be conducted. Applicant must have no felony convictions for crimes involving injury to persons, violence, firearms, weapons, drug violations, theft, damage to property, sexual offenses or any crime involving minors, even if currently serving deferred adjudication, convicted, or case pending.

— Everyone going on a tour must have a state or government issued picture ID.


I understand and accept the above STATEMENT OF RENTAL POLICIES. I understand that falsification of rental application information or failure to provide the information required will result in denial of my application and the application fee(s) and application deposit will be retained. I further understand that I am required to sign the lease contract within 3 days of notification of application approval. Failure to do so will result in the deposit and all fees being retained by management.

I have read the above statement of rental policies and wish to proceed to the online application.

Privacy Policy

We are dedicated to protecting the privacy of your personal information, including your Social Security Number and other identifying or sensitive personal information. Our policy and procedures are designed to help ensure that your information is kept secure, and we work to follow all federal and state laws regarding the protection of your personal information. While no one can guarantee against identity theft or the misuse of personal information, protecting the information you provide us is a high priority to our company and staff. If you ever have concerns about this issue, please feel free to share them with us.

How personal information is collected.

You will be asked to furnish some of your personal information when you apply to rent from us. This information will be on the rental application form or other document that you provide to us or to an apartment locator service, either on paper or electronically.

How and when information is used.

We use this information only for our business purposes involved in leasing a dwelling to you. Examples of these uses include, but are not limited to, verifying statements made on your rental application (such as your rental, credit and employment history), reviewing your lease for renewal and enforcing your lease obligations (such as to obtain payment for money you may owe us in the future).

How the information is protected and who has access.

We allow only authorized persons to have access to your personal information, and we keep documents and electronic records containing this information in secure areas and systems.

How the information is disposed of.

After we no longer need or are required to keep your personal information, we will store or destroy it in a manner designed to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing it. Our disposal methods will include shredding, destruction or obliteration of paper documents and destruction of electronic files. All files with a $0 balance will be held for a period of 24 months before being destroyed. All files with a balance due will be held until the balance is collected.

Locator services.

If you found us through a locator service, please be aware that locator services are independent contractors and are not our employees or agents—even though they may initially process rental applications and fill out lease forms. You should require any locator services you use to furnish you their own privacy policies.


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  • MM slash DD slash YYYY